
What You Should Know Before Committing To A Secured Loan

  The loan is secured by the lending company by way of 'second charge', which is a different regime compared to the main mortgage that holds the property on a 'first charge' basis. The latter is a legal arrangement in which the property securing the loan is registered with the Land Registry. A homeowner loan obtained through this process can be used for anything the borrow wishes safe for illegal activities or purchases. However, second charge mortgages are usually restricted to funding home improvements or funding huge purchases such as car buying. Alternatively, second charge loans can be used to consolidate existing loans and help reduce the debt obligation of a struggling borrower. With this arrangement, the borrower is expected to make regular monthly repayments throughout the life of the loan, which can run up to 25 years. The process of selling and administration of first charge secured loans is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for a considerabl...